10.Click on the device that you just created and click the “Start” button, tweak any options that you need on the Launch Options window, and click “Launch”. If the version you need is missing, you need to go back and install it. 1.7.2-1.7.4 are just additional crashfixes.
UPDATE: 1.7.1 includes some minor crash fixes and a savedata fix. If you want to get it early, the APK is available. In the “Target” dropdown, you’ll see the SDK Platforms that you installed earlier. The Android release will be rolled out slowly over the next week to catch bugs. 9.Click “New” and fill out the form to build the device you’d like to emulate. android avd which will launch the Android Virtual Device Manager. 8.Back in your terminal, still in the tools directory, enter. Wait for the SDK manager to finish installing your packages, then you can close it.
6.Click each package and tick off “Accept License” (legally, I’m probably required to tell you that this step may take several hours as you read each license ). 4.Tick off the “SDK Platform” for each version of Android that you’d like to use in your emulator. 3.Launch the “android” tool (./android if you are currently in the tools directory). 2.Open a terminal and navigate to the “tools” directory.